The NAZDAQ - SANFACE Software partnershipNAZDAQ provides cost effective tools to enable Baan users to automate business processes. B2Win (Baan2Windows) makes it easy to take reports into Ms-Excel and documents into Ms-Word or Acrobat. B2Email (Baan2Email) helps companies email Baan reports in nightly jobs or using an Outlook-Like Interface. B2Mail-Merge allows automatic sending of documents by email or fax to employees, customers or suppliers in PDF format. NAZDAQ tools are installed at hundreds of Baan sites in more than thirty five countries. B2Win and B2Email tools allow the creating PDF files directly from Baan. Reports produced from Baan can have a company logo, footer and a signature. A background image can also be added to serve as pre-printed form, all combined from the text that comes from the Baan ERP system. Tools from NAZDAQ that produce PDF files work with a special licensing agreement from SANFACE Software, a leading provider of command line PDF creation tools. According to Bader Mansour, CEO of NAZDAQ, "txt2pdf and data2pdf tools from SANFACE Software were chosen even though there are many other tools out there to make PDF files, some are even free". "Tools from SANFACE Software work on Windows and Unix Environments and are very fast and robust. Our customers are mostly big manufacturing companies who want to convert big reports into PDF format. The support we have received from them was also key in our decision to use their tools, as they were very flexible to add new features, like support for Eastern European languages, Hebrew and Arabic". |