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Developed by SANFACE Software
Version 3.0 25th January 2001

What is txt2pdf.cgi?

txt2pdf.cgi is a very flexible cgi-bin application based on the powerful txt2pdf tool. With version 3.0 you can find it included inside the txt2pdf standard distribution.  txt2pdf.cgi is only a cgi example, you can use it or customize it to suit your needs.  Obviously if you plan to keep using it, you need to register txt2pdf.

View the power of txt2pdf.cgi on the net!


In Association with
SANFACE Software


The install of txt2pdf.cgi installation isn't as simple as that of txt2pdf itself.
You need to install the following along with your web server:
You need to configure these variables inside the txt2pdf.cgi code: Why do you use the trick that txt2pdf.cgi doesn't produce directly a PDF file but writes it on a web directory and send to the user browser an HTML with inside a link to the correct PDF?
When a cgi application generates directly a PDF file, some browsers can't understand it's a PDF. (Any other suggestions are welcome).


You can test every cgi application made with from command line. (Read the documentation).
e.g. perl txt2pdf.cgi
If the test is good, move the txt2pdf.cgi application in your cgi directory (remember to give it the permission of execution).
without parameters will generate a HTML form.
To have better performances save it and and personalize it.

What's new

txt2pdf.cgi is a trademark of SANFACE Software© 2004.
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News Shareware IServices Resellers Projects Partnerships