Money Movers Inc. project

May 20, 2005 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Money MoversMoney Movers Inc. is an electronic funds transfer 3rd party processor. We have several hundred corporate clients and have been in business for over 15 years. Money Movers is dedicated to accurate personal service for all of our customers. We are running on Windows-2000, 2003, and XP. All of our programs are written in Cobol. I guess you would call our system a “legacy system”. We have been around for quite some time! The processing of billing data requires multiple BATCH jobs for volume processing. Money Movers Inc. has been using txt2pdf PRO for the past few years to enhance the reporting process. In the past we produced hundreds of invoices and processing reports, and mailed them to our customers. Thanks to txt2pdfpro have eliminated the postage expense involved with mailing hundreds of letters per month. Due to the sensitive information contained in these documents, we needed a safe and convenient way to send information over the internet. Txt2pdfpro allows us to dynamically generate PASSWORD Protected PDF documents with line graphics, shading, and company logos with embedded URL links and email connections. Our system automatically generates PDF reports which are sent to customers via email. Customers are able to download and / or view their invoices on the Internet thanks to the password protection feature in this product. These features not only save the company time and money, they allow us to provide better services to our users and customers.

The customer service at Sanface is better than great. They have always been knowledgeable, prompt and thorough in responding whenever questions I've had. In our business customer service is paramount to success; Sanface is a company I would absolutely recommend.

Thanks for the professional great product and support,

Kem Sisson
Money Movers Inc.

Here you can find an example of our invoices, now in PDF!

Camgar Consultants and SANFACE Software partnership

March 31, 2005 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Camgar Consultants

Camgar Consultants has signed an agreement with SANFACE Software.
Camgar Consultants, located in Toronto Canada and specializing in WDS-II and other Progress based software applications, was founded in 1996 by Gary Mittleman. In addition to providing software maintenance and customization services to its clients, Camgar also provides one-stop out sourced IT management services for organizations without in-house IT departments, assuming responsibility for all aspects of clients' data requirements.
The company has made modifications to various Progress based packages to allow emailing reports using txt2pdf. Blank paper reports, invoices, purchase orders, etc. have been modified such that the user can email the document as a PDF attachment using standard Unix mail. Actual forms, like invoices, use the user's logo and form image.
The company has been working with Sanface for several years and finds the package easy to use and the technical support the best.

Auto-Wares Inc. project

March 4, 2005 - Reading time: ~1 minute


Auto-Wares Inc. is a group of companies in the automotive parts aftermarket business. Auto-Ware is dedicated to selling to the jobber, re-supplies and services over 800+ auto parts stores.
Auto-Wares has been using txt2pdf PRO for the past few years. In the past we produced invoices on preprinted forms. Thanks to txt2pdfpro we no longer need to purchase these forms. Txt2pdfpro allows us to dynamically generate PDF documents with barcodes, line graphics, shading and company logos. Employees can generate PDF reports which are sent to them via email. Customers are able to download or view their invoices on the Internet. These features not only save the company time and money, they allow us to provide better services to our users and customers.

The customer service at Sanface is great. They have always been prompt and thorough in responding whenever I've had a question.

Thanks for the great product and support,

Martin Kale
Auto-Wares Inc.

Here you can find an example of our invoices, now in PDF!

Independent Liquor Group (txt2pdf)

November 25, 2004 - Reading time: 3 minutes

Independent Liquor Group PDF Invoice Project

Independent Liquor Group

Independent Liquor Group (ILG) is a major liquor wholesaler in Sydney. We sell about 2.5m cases of wine and spirits each year to pubs and restaurants. We have sophisticated electronic commerce interfaces and about 80% of our business comes to us on-line. We use OVMS internally and Win2000S systems for the Internet.

Although we provide paper invoices with deliveries, and also provide electronic invoices to our customers, we are still plagued by requests for copies of back invoices and credit notes from both customers and suppliers, sometimes going back six months. We used to provide these by fax or e-mail.

With the aid of TXT2PDF, we now provide up to six months back invoices in PDF format on our Web sites. Customers can search for and download the PDF version themselves on a 24x7 basis. This is better for both of our customers and us, especially since our customers do business at all hours of the day and night.

We already had the Web facilities and the text versions of the invoices. To automate the production of the PDF invoices on OVMS and integrate them with our Win2000S Web sites took only two man days... the hardest part was the company logo! This project was probably easier for us since the same people have developed both systems. We were able to make our PDF invoices look exactly the same as our paper invoices. See example below.

We generate our invoices with software we have developed ourselves in house as part of a much larger system. We use a multi-platform development environment call "Synergy". Synergy evolved from an old Digital (DEC) language called Dibol that was originally on DEC PDP computers, but the same code will run unmodified on a host of systems, including OVMS, Windows, Unix and Linux. In fact, the invoicing software we use is 25 years old but it still does what we want.

I suppose this simple project illustrates how smart, modern tools like TXT2PDF can be used to extend the useful life of the legacy systems that are used by many companies in all parts of the world! We now hope to eventually phase out of printed invoices completely.

Here 2 nice examples of invoices:
invoice 1
invoice 2

Athlon Car Lease Germany (txt2pdf PRO)

November 16, 2004 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Athlon Car Lease Germany project


Athlon Car Lease Germany is an independant supplier for car leasing and fleetmanagement in Germany. Athlon developed an unique web portal for online full service lease, the portal is called Autopnet. This portal is the reference for local benchmarks for online leasing and fleetmanagement.
As developerplatform we are using the oracle development-tools combined with the oracle database and oracle applicationserver. For the backoffice we are converting from Oracle Forms 6i to Oracle WebForms.

The problem.
All our external correspondence we are producing within our backoffice, has to be in pdf-format. With our standard reportingtool it is possible to create a pdf-file but it was not that flexible. We allso had some problems with specific fonts and had little problems to get a suitable layout.
So we searched for an easy-to-use tool to solve our problems.

txt2pdf PRO.
We did some testing and choose txt2pdf PRO because this is an easy-to-use tool. There are lots of possibilities for configure the pdf-file, we could easily adjust the layout, we can use our company-logo, etc. For the moment we are using a small part off the possibilities, but lateron we will have a look at the other possibilities to create professional documents. We will allso have a look to offer pdf-functionality within our webportal, I guess txt2pdf PRO will be used within that project allso.


Sanface software, the pdf knowledge, develops txt2pdf

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