Athlon Car Lease Germany (txt2pdf PRO)

November 16, 2004 - Reading time: 2 minutes

Athlon Car Lease Germany project


Athlon Car Lease Germany is an independant supplier for car leasing and fleetmanagement in Germany. Athlon developed an unique web portal for online full service lease, the portal is called Autopnet. This portal is the reference for local benchmarks for online leasing and fleetmanagement.
As developerplatform we are using the oracle development-tools combined with the oracle database and oracle applicationserver. For the backoffice we are converting from Oracle Forms 6i to Oracle WebForms.

The problem.
All our external correspondence we are producing within our backoffice, has to be in pdf-format. With our standard reportingtool it is possible to create a pdf-file but it was not that flexible. We allso had some problems with specific fonts and had little problems to get a suitable layout.
So we searched for an easy-to-use tool to solve our problems.

txt2pdf PRO.
We did some testing and choose txt2pdf PRO because this is an easy-to-use tool. There are lots of possibilities for configure the pdf-file, we could easily adjust the layout, we can use our company-logo, etc. For the moment we are using a small part off the possibilities, but lateron we will have a look at the other possibilities to create professional documents. We will allso have a look to offer pdf-functionality within our webportal, I guess txt2pdf PRO will be used within that project allso.


Sanface software, the pdf knowledge, develops txt2pdf

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