British Columbia Ministry of Education uses txt2pdf PRO

February 25, 2004 - Reading time: ~1 minute

British Columbia Ministry of Education project

British Columbia

British Columbia Ministry of Education is using txt2pdf PRO within its K-12 student systems (PEN, SLD, ISS, TSQ).This approached replaced mass mail-outs by using PDF-based email attachments.

Project Details
The Ministry of Education of the Province of British Columbia uses OpenVMS Cognos Powerhouse systems to manage its K-12 student information.
Modules include Student Level Data, Student Number Assignments(PEN), Independent School Funding, and Teacher tracking.
The K-12 systems make use of txt2pdf PRO software to convert text based reports to pdf format.
Initially text email attachments were created but the recipient of the email had to use notepad or some text editor to view and print. As some of the reports were very wide 156 characters, the text base attachments were found to be cumbersome and prone to complaints and problems.
txt2pdf PRO eliminated the need for mass mail-out with an elegant seamless function generating PDF from text reports.


Sanface software, the pdf knowledge, develops txt2pdf

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