GWK Beperk/Limited sends pdf invoices by email

June 30, 2004 - Reading time: ~1 minute

GWK Beperk/Limited project

GWK Beperk/Limited

GWK Beperk/Limited is an agri business thus active in the grain trade.
Selling grain means invoicing huge amounts of monies (millions) with terms of as little as 5 days.
This means that the invoice literally has to be delivered to the buyer when the truck leaves the silo.
GWK tried to send invoices with the truck or by courier service but it proved to be unreliable. Needles to say that the interest implications are huge if an invoice is late or gets lost.

GWK switched to sending their invoices by e-mail after running it through txt2pdf PRO+crypt.
The buyer prints a tamper proof invoice (with full colour logo etc.) on his own printer just minutes after the truck has left GWK premises. As a spin-off, GWK can also reduce the use of paper and save some trees by 'printing' various reports to PDF files.

This is an example of faktuur/invoice the pdf is encrypted and protected by gwkfaktuur password.

Eastern Washington University uses txt2pdf PRO to reduce expenses

May 17, 2004 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Eastern Washington University project

Eastern Washington University

As budget restrictions and resources grow tighter, Eastern Washington University has chosen Txt2pdf-PRO as a tool to enhance productivity and reduce expenses.

Each of our student, financial, and loan management enterprise systems generates nightly reports that are distributed across campus. With these paper reports comes a number of costs that we are trying to reduce:

  • Cost of paper and its handling
  • Cost of report distribution
  • Cost of additional copies
  • Cost of report handling
  • Printer and hardware maintenance
  • Physical storage
  • Usability costs

With Txt2pdf-PRO, we are able to reduce expenses and increase productivity in each of the above areas. Txt2pdf-PRO runs on our mainframe OpenVMS system. However, as Txt2pdf-PRO is cross-platform and can run on any of our servers, we are guaranteed that it will run on future servers and operating systems and that we can scale its use to an enterprise level as its functionality is leveraged to benefit Eastern Washington University.

Motorcharge uses data2pdf

April 21, 2004 - Reading time: ~1 minute


Motorcharge is a leading provider of fuel cards to small and medium businesses throughout Australia.
Motorcharge was using txt2pdf PRO and now is using data2pdf.
This is an example of their old invoices
This is an example of their new invoices made by a new version of data2pdf with the possibility to have in the same document pages in landscape and portrait format.

British Columbia Ministry of Education uses txt2pdf PRO

February 25, 2004 - Reading time: ~1 minute

British Columbia Ministry of Education project

British Columbia

British Columbia Ministry of Education is using txt2pdf PRO within its K-12 student systems (PEN, SLD, ISS, TSQ).This approached replaced mass mail-outs by using PDF-based email attachments.

Project Details
The Ministry of Education of the Province of British Columbia uses OpenVMS Cognos Powerhouse systems to manage its K-12 student information.
Modules include Student Level Data, Student Number Assignments(PEN), Independent School Funding, and Teacher tracking.
The K-12 systems make use of txt2pdf PRO software to convert text based reports to pdf format.
Initially text email attachments were created but the recipient of the email had to use notepad or some text editor to view and print. As some of the reports were very wide 156 characters, the text base attachments were found to be cumbersome and prone to complaints and problems.
txt2pdf PRO eliminated the need for mass mail-out with an elegant seamless function generating PDF from text reports.

Certified Angus Beef creates sales sheets with data2pdf

September 4, 2003 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Certified Angus Beef project

Certified Angus Beef

Certified Angus Beef LLC is using a data2pdf in combination with JavaScript to help our partners create sales sheets for their products.
They can select pre-written and approved copy, add personalized product data and/or their company logo, then create the PDF. The file is then printed or photocopied onto the back of our pre-printed professionally designed template pages (full-color photos on front, mostly blank on back).
The process makes it easy for our partners to create their sell sheets since they don't have to worry about designing or writing copy.
It also saves in printing costs.

A sample of a sales sheet.


Sanface software, the pdf knowledge, develops txt2pdf

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