Electronic Insurance Service prints standard text reports

May 25, 2002 - Reading time: 2 minutes

The Electronic Insurance ServiceAbout The Electronic Insurance Service
Since 1989, The Electronic Insurance Service has been providing EDI services for dental offices and insurance companies nation wide.

The problem
As we moved more and more of our business to an Internet environment, we found many of our clients had difficulty printing our standard text reports. We investigated many options, but found txt2pdf PRO did everything we needed to drastically improve the look of our reports and increase customer satisfaction.

Why txt2pdf PRO?
Here's what we found to be advantages of txt2pdf PRO

  • We didn't have to Re-write our reports in-order to fit on a PDF Form
  • We didn't have to create the PDF Form that our report data would fit into.
  • We were able to run conversions in Batch mode instead of writing code that would take all our text files and turn them into PDFs. This lets us have more control over when the PDFs are created and can be run as a stand alone process in case we need to have the PDFs created again.
  • Saved us in Processing Time for our Report Process. Writing code could have slowed down our Report Process.
  • Txt2pdf PRO was able to read our Form Feeds and break all of our reports into separate pages. That was a huge advantage of txt2pdf PRO vs. other products we looked at.

Probably the biggest reason for using txt2pdf PRO is its ease of use and implementation. We were able to implement the solution in one day. Txt2pdf PRO converts thousands of text reports to PDF format each morning in a matter of minutes.

This synopsis was compiled by:

Scott Wellwood
The Electronic Insurance Service


Sanface software, the pdf knowledge, develops txt2pdf

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