British Columbia Ministry of Education uses txt2pdf PRO

February 25, 2004 - Reading time: ~1 minute

British Columbia Ministry of Education project

British Columbia

British Columbia Ministry of Education is using txt2pdf PRO within its K-12 student systems (PEN, SLD, ISS, TSQ).This approached replaced mass mail-outs by using PDF-based email attachments.

Project Details
The Ministry of Education of the Province of British Columbia uses OpenVMS Cognos Powerhouse systems to manage its K-12 student information.
Modules include Student Level Data, Student Number Assignments(PEN), Independent School Funding, and Teacher tracking.
The K-12 systems make use of txt2pdf PRO software to convert text based reports to pdf format.
Initially text email attachments were created but the recipient of the email had to use notepad or some text editor to view and print. As some of the reports were very wide 156 characters, the text base attachments were found to be cumbersome and prone to complaints and problems.
txt2pdf PRO eliminated the need for mass mail-out with an elegant seamless function generating PDF from text reports.

Information Development Consultants manufactures financial software

February 18, 2004 - Reading time: 2 minutes

The Information Development Consultants, Inc. (iDC) - SANFACE Software partnership

Information Development Consultants, Inc. (iDC) is a trusted financial management software solution partner for government and non-profit organizations.
Their scalable, flexible products are pre-designed for quick implementation, seamless integration, and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of both IT and Finance staffs.
4gov® is iDC’s web-based product for managing all aspects of government finance and producing accounting and payroll reports.

iDC recently partnered with SANFACE Software to convert all of 4gov®’s standard package reports into PDF documents.
After reviewing several products, txt2pdf PRO proved to be an excellent tool for the conversion.
"The PDF format adds a security component to 4gov®’s ‘open’ reporting structure", cites iDC’s President, Carolyne Turner.    iDC purchases and installs a license for txt2pdf PRO at their client locations.
4gov® reports can then be converted to a PDF format that can print on any printer and are easier to present, e-mail and share over the internet, plus the search capabilities of Adobe can be used in locating information in large reports.
"Our system is web-based and our clients want to send reports to government officials and department managers or print straight from the browser", explains Rick Adams, iDC’s Chief Software Engineer, "txt2pdf is executed in the background to provide a seamless interface for our clients."

Customers using 4gov® range in size from small communities to the government of a Pacific island nation.
These include cities, counties, departments of state government, airports, park districts, non-profits and special agencies worldwide.

Great Falls Public Schools uses txt2pdf PRO on HP3000

June 29, 2003 - Reading time: 3 minutes

Great Falls Public Schools project

Great Falls Public Schools

About Great Falls Public Schools
Great Falls Public Schools is a K-12 education school district in Great Falls, Montana. We have over 11,000 students. Our business system is an HP3000 mini-computer.

The problem
We produce many paper reports for our employees and were looking for a way to cut down on our paper consumption. We also had an archival issue in that keeping large paper reports was cumbersome and ineffective.

Why txt2pdf PRO?
Txt2pdfPRO was chosen as it was available for the HP3000 (read Installing txt2pdf on 3000) and we were able to incorperate a process to convert our paper reports into usable PDF documents that we could ftp or e-mail for use. We created a process that we could have the reports generated and ftp'd to a server to the appropriate location for the responsible user. The PDF generation is achieved by selecting the PDF print device as the destination device. We then have a process that checks that device for output and converts it to PDF files and transfers it to the server. This also allows us to copy the PDF documents to CD for archival purposes. End result is a much more effective process that requires minimal paper.
We were able to simulate green bar 8.5 x 14 inch line printer paper for our reports as well as dealing with the form feed issue on the 3000.

Benefits derived from this project:

  • Printing less paper with faster turn around (PDF faster than printing).
  • Can archive PDF documents vs having reams of paper for archival.
  • Significant paper and ribbon savings.
  • Large reports are now cataloged and full-text searchable.

This is a sample report output

This synopsis was compiled by:
Bob McGregor
Great Falls Public Schools

Mosecker SanGross software runs under OpenVMS

June 6, 2003 - Reading time: 2 minutes

MoseckerMosecker is a reseller of sanitary, heating, steel and kitchen products in Germany.
Our main software (SanGross by SHD) is running under Digital OpenVMS. With txt2pdf PRO we were able to send offers and other papers to our customers via EMail (with PDF-attachment). Usually we send these documents via fax. But we think, sending them via EMail is not so expensive. In the next few weeks i will change our software to send invoices to out customers and to send orders to other firms.

View a PDF example offer

Here a project we made using txt2pdf PRO:
We developed a intranet-system, which is used by our sales personal (from home or from office). The system is HTML based and completely written in Cache Object Script code.
At some pages (5 at the moment) the user is able to view sales statistics for the last 3 years. The results are displayed in HTML tables. Here now is the point, where TXT2PDF Pro helps us. The collected data may be downloaded (with a simple click on a button) into a file. At the download window the user may choose between CSV-format, TXT-format or PDF-format. The CSV and TXT files are "handmade", the PDF file results of the TXT file.
At the next step (comming in the next few weeks) our users will be able to (re)-print costumer-invoices directly to PDF-format. Here will TXT2PDF Pro convert the stored TXT-data to PDF files "on the fly".

Union Distributing Company creates pdfs on SCO OpenServer 5

May 12, 2003 - Reading time: ~1 minute

Union Distributing CompanyUnion Distributing Company has been a Fuel and Lubricants distributor in Phoenix Arizona since 1986. Hundreds of customer orders are printed everyday.
When the delivery of product is made, the order is confirmed and an Invoice is printed.
Many invoices are faxed rather than printed.
Union Distributing needed a form that would look good and be versatile.
It needed to be able to be printed, faxed, mailed and now e-mailed.
The custom accounting system is on a Unix platform running SCO OpenServer 5.
We needed a way to generate this form and overlay the data and then print to our high speed copier for dispatch.
When confirming the invoice, we needed a universal format in which to email.
We knew we could use Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
But how would we create them from our Unix server?
That's where txt2pdf PRO comes in.
With the txt2pdf PRO program we have been able to output not only our orders and invoices to PDF, but now all of our reports can be printed to disk and stored in PDF format for later review.


Sanface software, the pdf knowledge, develops txt2pdf

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