To convert ascii report files into pdf files

October 25, 1999 - Reading time: ~1 minute

ATIATI is using txt2pdf to convert ascii report files from our Accounting/Manufacturing software package into pdf files that can be accessed via our intranet.
The reports are formatted for an HP LaserJet and we have a script that removes the control characters out of each report file, then processes it through txt2pdf.
The resulting files are placed into directories on our intranet. The pdf's can be accessed individually, by looking through the directories or by performing a search using HTdig.
I have set up HTdig to use a pdf parser program to index the pdf files. So far, this process is working great for the initial 9000 reports that were converted.
I plan to do some further work and implement a way for the users to select to "archive" a report at the time that they run it. Currently, I am moving files manually as our Accounting/Manufacturing system is a DOS based system, using btrieve in Netware, and does not have emailing capabilities. Our intranet is running on Redhat Linux.
This project has opened up a great opportunity for us to expand this into everyday use. We have a lot of month-end and year-end reports that are printed thatcould just as effectively be stored "on-line".


Sanface software, the pdf knowledge, develops txt2pdf

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