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developed by © SANFACE Software

Version 2.2 10th July 2001


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What is PDFmail?

PDFmail is a free Iservice.
You can use it via our 5 form standard interfaces at SANFACE Software site: or you can modify these interfaces (you can find them also into this distribution) without limitations to use the PDFmail service from your web.
Obviously, if you prefer you can use also flash or pdf forms.
Please, don't use improperly this free Iservice.

Why do you need PDFmail?

  1. It's free.
  2. Are you sure that nobody can modify your email or use part of it improperly? Without signature probably PDFmail is the only way to obtain these features.
    It's complex to modify a PDF and an expert can verify if your PDF has been modified.
  3. PDF is simple to read, print, put on web, send to fax, ...
  4. How can I create a wonderful document by phone or iTV and print it?
    PDFmail is a possible solution.
    Via PDFmail you create a nice PDF (obviously we can simply customize our free iservice to solve your company needs)
    You can send the PDF to the fax of your Hotel, Company, ... to print it
    You can use services like FaxMailer or you can send directly it to a fax that can support email and PDF attach like Magic2Memo, Magic1Vox, Magic2Dect by Philips
  5. You can use PDFmail Iservice also via WAP phone, i-mode or l-mode phone or WebTV
  6. You can create PDF with japanese text support. To read it you need Acrobat Reader + japanese fonts.
  7. To create your PDFmail on the fly we use the power of our tool txt2pdf PRO + japanese.
    It's simple to us to modify every part of the cgi to solve your company needs (e.g. a final PDF with your company logo and the link to your company web and ...)
Getting PDFmail, Licence

PDFmail is completely free.
You don't need to cite SANFACE Software.
Obviously if you like our free Iservice and you want to send us an email with the link of your service. We'd like to link your customization.
If you like our Iservice and you want a customization of our service, don't hesitate to contact us.
It's very simple to us, using the powerful of our softwares txt2pdf, txt2pdf PRO and txt2pdf PRO + japanese create on the fly the better PDF for your company and put it like a mail attach.

PDFmail 2.2 tar.gz format
PDFmail 2.2 zip format


Books about WAP

Understanding Wap : Wireless Applications, Devices, and Services new
Professional Wap
Beginning Wap : Wml and Wmlscript

Links around the world to PDFmail

WAP links around the world to PDFmail

PDFmail is a trademark of SANFACE Software© 2001.
Your technology glasses. We help you see your full potential.

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