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Visual jpg2pdf

A SANFACE Software Tool.
Developed by Cedric Foko
Version 2.0 25th April 2002



SANFACE Software

What is visual jpg2pdf?

Visual jpg2pdf is a Windows graphical user interface to jpg2pdf.  It is included in the Windows .zip files.  It has been developed using Visual Basic.

Why do you need visual jpg2pdf?

The purpose of Visual jpg2pdf is to allow you to configure jpg2pdf.cfg and execute jpg2pdf in a simpler way.  It also allows you to preview the produced PDFs.  To use all the powerful features we suggest you also read the jpg2pdf documentation.

How can I use visual jpg2pdf?

Simply start up Visual jpg2pdf by clicking on the executable.  The GUI will automatically be brought up and you should see something similar to this:

From here, you merely need to change the entries in the GUI to suit your needs, and the PDF will be produced according to your specifications.  For instance, should you choose Letteras your default Paper Style, the entry in jpg2pdf.cfg will be changed to: (paper: letter).  If you do not understand the exact meaning for every field, you can read more about them from the jpg2pdf documentation.

The 'Custom settings' tag allows you to change things like the Author, Title, Subject, Keywords and Creator field, which you can also directly edit using jpg2pdf.cfg.

You can use the maximize windows button to change the default application dimension.

You may now create your PDF's.

Add the jpegs you want using:

Select the jpegs you want to convert (if you need to reuse this list you can save it Settings/Save List and reuse it using Settings/Load List), and click Create PDFs. You've made your first jpegs.pdf collection!


Click on Scheduler and then on Add you can select the list of files you've before saved (.jsk) and schedule it to the date and the time you want. (we've used the similar image of Visual txt2pdf. It uses .tsk files)

Can the use of visual jpg2pdf substitute the use of jpg2pdf?

No, it cannot.  Visual jpg2pdf is merely a frontend application to make the use of jpg2pdf that much simpler for our users.  With Visual jpg2pdf, you're afforded an easy way to use all of jpg2pdf's features.

Possible Problems

At the moment, visual jpg2pdf only understands the jpg2pdf.cfg it has directly created..

Visual jpg2pdf is a trademark of SANFACE Software© 2002.
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