Important projects using SANFACE Software tools

Mandala has been using txt2pdf PRO
Mandala Systems offers customized customer statements as a component of its fuel oil distribution application, running on OpenVMS.
Txt2pdfPRO allows us to provide customers the option of a PDF attachment via email that is an exact replica of the pre-printed monthly statement.
The result is a significant saving in stationery, envelopes, stamps and labour.
Here the final pdf
EAO Computing, Inc. uses txt2pdf PRO
EAO Computing, Inc. offers programming services for Progress and Pick based hard goods distribution systems from Infor and Activant.
We use txt2pdf Pro to allow our users to send forms, such as invoices, statements and purchase orders, with professional quality graphic backgrounds via email in a pdf format.
Ed Oldfield
eao.computing (at)

i-Modulas has been using txt2pdf PRO
i-Modulas Software BV is a young Dutch software developer that brings an established and respected solution for the rental business of construction machines and materials to the internet. The users of i-Modulas rent the usage of the i-Modulas solution per user by the month. To start i-Modulas, they have to go to from where they can start the application.
Most i-Modulas reports are stored in text format in personal user directories from which they can be viewed or printed. With txt2pdf we have added a third option "make a pdf" to this. By pressing a function key the text report is converted to a pdf file and shown in the default pdf-viewer. From there it can be printed, but also e.g. mailed to a colleague.
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Money Movers Inc. has been using txt2pdf PRO
Money Movers Inc. has been using txt2pdf PRO for the past few years to enhance the reporting process.
Here you can find an example of our invoices, now in PDF!
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Auto-Wares Inc. has been using txt2pdf PRO
In the past Auto-Wares Inc. produced invoices on preprinted forms.
"Thanks to txt2pdfpro we no longer need to purchase these forms.
Txt2pdfpro allows us to dynamically generate PDF documents with barcodes,
line graphics, shading and company logos."
Here you can find an example of our invoices, now in PDF!
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Independent Liquor Group (ILG) uses txt2pdf
Independent Liquor Group (ILG) is a major liquor wholesaler in Sydney. With the aid of TXT2PDF, we now provide up to six months back invoices in PDF format on our Web sites. Customers can search for and download the PDF version themselves on a 24x7 basis.
Here 2 nice examples of invoices: invoice 1 invoice 2
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Athlon Car Lease Germany uses txt2pdfPRO
Athlon Car Lease Germany is an independant supplier for car leasing and fleetmanagement in Germany. Athlon uses txt2pdf PRO to convert to pdf external correspondence (producing within their backoffice Oracle WebForms).
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PCCC develops a new, simpler eBook fulfillment system using PDFCrypt.
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MIAG uses txt2pdfPRO
MIAG belongs to the METRO AG and assume the centralized payment and its guarantee, as well as some international co-ordination for our European affiliated companies and their suppliers. In this connection we develope solutions for our customers, the suppliers of the Metro Group, to deliver the payment advice as a PDF. Also we provide the PDF on our Internet Portal for download. The monthly output is about 150'000 pages. A part of these we produce with txt2pdf.
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Columbia Forest Products (CFP) uses txt2pdfPRO
Columbia Forest Products (CFP) is North America's finest manufacturer of hardwood veneer, hardwood plywood, flooring and laminated products.
CFP is using txt2pdf PRO to take text output of its ERP and create a document that is easily sent via email to be viewed uniformly on each end user's PC.
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GWK Beperk/Limited uses txt2pdfPRO+crypt
GWK Beperk/Limited is an agri business thus active in the grain trade.
Selling grain means invoicing huge amounts of monies (millions) with terms of as little as 5 days.
This means that the invoice literally has to be delivered to the buyer when the truck leaves the silo.
GWK switched to sending their invoices by e-mail after running it through txt2pdfPRO+crypt.
This is an example of faktuur/invoice the pdf is encrypted and protected by gwkfaktuur password.
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Eastern Washington University uses txt2pdf PRO
As budget restrictions and resources grow tighter, Eastern Washington University has chosen txt2pdf PRO as a tool to enhance productivity and reduce expenses.
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Motorcharge was using txt2pdf PRO and now is using data2pdf
Motorcharge is a leading provider of fuel cards to small and medium businesses throughout Australia.
"txt2pdf PRO provided the perfect solution - being able to create the invoices on a fly, utilizing already existent PICK code while providing an extensive background file creation to build the first and subsequent pages. We were also able to integrate some small graphics to add a touch of pizzazz to the page.
The e-invoice also features hyperlinks to allow our customers to make online payments through our website.
We have gone on to produce specific "watermarks" in the PDF render, allowing us to bring important information such as "Payment Overdue", to our customer's attention.
This is an example of our old invoices
This is an example of our new invoices made by a new version of data2pdf with the possibility to have in the same document pages in landscape and portrait format.
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British Columbia Ministry of Education is using txt2pdf PRO
British Columbia Ministry of Education is using txt2pdf PRO within its K-12 student systems (PEN, SLD, ISS, TSQ).This approached replaced mass mail-outs by using PDF-based email attachments.
Read more information about the project.

Certified Angus Beef LLC is using a data2pdf
Certified Angus Beef LLC is using a data2pdf in combination with JavaScript to help our partners create sales sheets for their products.
A sample of a sales sheet
The detail of Certified Angus Beef project

Great Falls Public Schools is using txt2pdf PRO
Great Falls Public Schools chose txt2pdf PRO as it was available for the HP3000 (read Installing txt2pdf on 3000) and we were able to incorperate a process to convert our paper reports into usable PDF documents that we could ftp or e-mail for use.
This is a sample report output
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Plantrol is utilizing data2pdf
"We had a customer who desired to send quotations for their product via e-mail, and fax, while retaining the ability to print the quote to file a hardcopy, or to send to their clients through regular mail. Because of the differing formats required for each process, email requiring one type of output for mailing, printing requiring pcl language in the output, and faxing needing it's one formated output, we were stuck creating three seperate processes. We had used Sanface for another project and liked it and did some research to see if we could use the technology to provide a PDF that would work in each instance. Plantrol found that our email would attach a PDF file without any problem, and that printers would print PDF without any further changes to the output file. Happily we found our faxing system would send the PDF file again without any additional changes to the output. We created a database to hold the field names, files, and the vertical and horizontal posistions on the finished document. Then a process to read a record from the data files, and then pick the necessary information out for printing from the position file. This one process sends our one output file to the data2pdf process. The resulting PDF is then faxed, e-mailed, or printed, based on the customer's need at the time. He can choose to any combination of methods to send his quote to his customer at the time the PDF is created. This has saved us production time, and the customer is very pleased with the options the PDF allows him to exercise. Thanks to Sanface technology, we have a much happier customer who has now asked us to adapt all his forms to use this technology."

El Banco Central del Uruguay is utilizing txt2pdf PRO
El Banco Central del Uruguay in order to automate the delivery of personnel salary receipts previously issued on pre-printed sheets showing a photograph of the bank's building site, it was conceived the generation of graphic format documents easily readable via an Internet navigator or by an e-mail customer.
An example of a personal salary recipt
Read the detail of the project also in Spanish language

The Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S., Inc. (HFM U.S.) is utilizing txt2pdf PRO
Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S., Inc.
(HFM U.S.), the New York-headquartered subsidiary of Hachette Filipacchi Médias,
(the world's largest magazine publisher)
began a project in 2001 to decommission our last remaining mainframe
system. The single application running on it was almost 100% COBOL and
responsible for acknowledging and invoicing orders places for advertising in our
magazines. The project was to move it to Windows NT without rewriting it all.
A main obstacle was output. The COBOL was spitting out thousands of
acknowledgements and invoices monthly on preprinted multipart forms, not to
mention reams of paper reports, all using line printers and 1st-column carriage
control. We sure didn't want to try to configure NT to output to a line printer!
txt2pdf PRO helps us to solve the problems!
This is a sample Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. bill
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The Halifax Herald Limited is utilizing txt2pdf PRO
The Halifax Herald Limited, one of Canada's oldest and largest independent newspapers, is using txt2pdf PRO to convert its classified ads.
Like all metro daily newspapers, the Herald publishes hundreds of display ads and thousands of classified ads every day, resulting in thousands of daily invoices and monthly statements. For years we printed duplicate bills so the Accounting Department would have file copies in the event an advertiser had questions or required a reprint.
This is a sample Herald bill made by txt2pdf PRO
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Georgia State University is utilizing txt2pdf PRO
Georgia State University is using txt2pdf PRO to convert its "Schedule of Classes" to pdf. Historically, as each new semester would approach, Georgia State University would print 40,000 copies of its "Schedule of Classes", from MVS on a Xerox 4850 channel attached printer.
With compression feature our current course listing (typically around 100 pages) is a PDF of 207 KB (207,000 bytes), without compression feature the PDF file was around 1,078 KB (1,078,000 bytes)!
By using txt2pdf PRO to produce a PDF version of our "Schedule of Classes", GSU has saved a considerable amount of money by not having to generate any printed versions, and has also increased the quality and timeliness of the data available to potential students by allowing for regular automatic updates of the courses.pdf to be published to the web.
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SAR GmbH uses txt2pdf PRO + crypt
The German main office of SAR GmbH has about 250 employees.
They get their payrolls via mail each month. That means each document has to be printed, put in an envelope and brought to the post office with a EUR 0,56 stamp on it.
What we do now is to encrypt these payrolls with txt2pdf PRO + crypt and send them via email to the employees' mail addresses. It cost us some programming, a little administration tool for the intranet and the $ 1.200.- for the txt2pdf PRO + crypt.
In less than one year (only calculate the stamp amount and the amount to buy and print the letters and the envelopes) we'll save costs.

Hurley Medical Center uses txt2pdf PRO
Hurley Medical Center can put a years worth of data (from the GEAC Human Resources/Payroll System ) on one CD, using txt2pdf PRO.
Project details

Province of British Columbia is utilizing txt2pdf PRO
Province of British Columbia is using txt2pdf PRO inside its Corporate Accounting System (CAS) (an Oracle Financials application).
This has eliminated the need to define and maintain printers in the CAS Oracle system (from more than 1500 to 43).
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Costa Crociere, a company of Carnival Corporation, is using txt2pdf PRO
"Our mainframe applications create a lot of textual reports with confidential information.
Lotus Domino agents take these reports from mainframe and import them inside the
Costa Crociere intranet (CostaPlanet).
The same Lotus Domino agents, using txt2pdf PRO, can convert the textual reports to PDFs and put them online!"

Mosecker used txt2pdf PRO
Mosecker is a reseller of sanitary, heating, steel and kitchen products in Germany.
Our main software (SanGross by SHD) is running under Digital OpenVMS. With txt2pdf PRO we were able to send offers and other papers to our customers via EMail (with PDF-attachment).
Usually we send these documents via fax. But we think, sending them via EMail
is not so expensive. In the next few weeks i will change our software to send
invoices to out customers and to send orders to other firms.
View a PDF example offer
Now you can read a project we made using txt2pdf PRO:
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Leighton Contractors is using txt2pdf PRO
Leighton Contractors is a large infrastructure construction company, covering Australia and New Zealand.
txt2pdfPRO is being used in our Report Distribution System, to distribute our month-end project costing reports, to project managers around Australia via the corporate Intranet. The system that produces the initial report is an Oracle legacy system running under OpenVMS, whose output is a formatted plain text file. txt2pdfPRO does a superb job in converting these to PDF files which are then placed on our Intranet in a secure area for project managers to view.
Contact: Greg Newton

Electronic Insurance Service is using txt2pdf PRO
Electronic Insurance Service provides
EDI services for dental offices and insurance companies nation wide.
"As we moved more and more of our business to an Internet environment, we
found many of our clients had difficulty printing our standard text reports.
We investigated many options, but found txt2pdf PRO did everything we needed to
drastically improve the look of our reports and increase customer satisfaction."
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DMS EXPO used data2pdf
DMS EXPO DMS EXPO (German language) has realized its visitor pre-registration application using data2pdf and SANFACE Software knowledge.
Changing the form is simple to use the same web application from wap phones and pdas or i-mode and l-mode phones or webtv browsers
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Union Distributing Company is utilizing txt2pdf PRO
Union Distributing Company needed a form that would look good and be versatile.
It needed to be able to be printed, faxed, mailed and now e-mailed. The custom accounting system is on a Unix platform running SCO OpenServer 5. We needed a way to generate this form and overlay the data and then print to our high speed copier for dispatch. When confirming the invoice, we needed a universal format in which to email. We knew we could use Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
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OK Tedi Mining Limited is using txt2pdf PRO
OK Tedi Mining Limited ("OTML") is a Copper and Gold mining operation in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea.
The project scope was best described as "...a need to develop a more effective method of communicating with our Vendor Base..."
Our active Vendor database numbered over 1500 for the 14 months to February 2001. They accounted for some 56000 Purchase Orders and numerous Requests for Quotation and other facsmile expediting activity in excess of 100,000 transmissions each year. Our success rate in communicating with Vendors was less than acceptable. Our commercial documentation needed to be simplified and made more readable. Communication appeared to be all one way. The cost of our facsimile service was
One excellent spin off is that we now use the same technology (email and the SANFACE Software txt2pdf PRO) to run our internal reports. In the past we have run periodic and ad-hoc reports to printers. We now send them to whoever initiated the request via email and in the PDF format. We now make better use of available printing resources and provide a practical and economic means of distributing information company wide or indeed globally.
The cost of the project in total amounted to 10 days of programming and system testing plus the cost of the txt2pdf application. Pay back was inside the first few weeks.
This is an example of OTML purchase order
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I-control is using jpg2pdf PRO
I-control is providing marketing
solutions and web-2-print solutions to several markets.
We use jpg2pdf PRO
to convert the uploaded images to a pdf file, this way we are
able to use them within the generated pdf.
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Pixco is using jpg2pdf
Pixco is specialized in digital high-resolution image retouching and was one of the pioneers in europe in the eighties.
Pixco is currently developping image databases for Toyota Europe, Lexus and
Levi Strauss & Co. in ColdFusion and ASP.
jpg2pdf is part of an automated system that enables client's to upload images and different resolutions and will be created automatically on the server without user intervention.
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Oregon University System, Information Technology Services, Telecom is using txt2pdf PRO
The OUS ITS Telecom Team produces over 20,000 telephone billing statements each month for nine state universities. We've implemented txt2pdf PRO to replace an aging microfiche system. Using PDF's and CD-ROM's, the statements are now archived for easy retrieval, viewing, and printing. Txt2pdf PRO helps us to do our archiving in-house, and we are able to deliver archives to our customers much more quickly. This improves our product, saves time and money, and eliminates our customers' reliance on aging microfiche systems.
Real Data Corp is using txt2pdf PRO
"Txt2pdf was just what we needed to solve an unusual data problem.
We are running a legacy DOS application under Citrix 1.8. We needed a way to view the reported output from this DOS application in the Citrix client window without printing it. We also needed to copy these reports in a printable format to the Windows based Citrix clients using the system. By making .pdfs out of these DOS reports on the fly under program control we could simply use Adobe 4.0 on the Citrix server as a viewer. These same .pdfs could be also copied across the Citrix link to remote Citrix clients for printing (and viewing) if desired by the user. This provided a printer independent means of printing the DOS reports on the client. Given that this is a small application with a limited budget, txt2pdf provided us with a simple affordable way to make these .pdf files and solved what was otherwise a very difficult problem .
Thank you Sanface for making this solution possible."
Irv Tolles,
President Real Data Corp

HVAC Estimator is using data2pdf
HVAC Estimator provides online service agreement estimating services for the
Heating and Air Conditioning industry. We chose data2pdf to generate the contract documents and equipment lists for the users of our service. The resulting PDF files created from data2pdf is far superior to the other methods we tried. They are small allowing them run much faster over our servers than standard PDF
files. We are very pleased with the results.
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The Department of Planning, Design & Construction (PDC) at Cornell University is using txt2pdf PRO
The Department of Planning, Design & Construction (PDC) at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY uses txt2pdf PRO to replace paper copies of monthly cost accounting system invoices with PDF documents available through authenticated access over servers. The department saves money on paper and the cost of handling and storage of paper documents. txt2pdf PRO saved the day one a very critical project for us. We also raised the level of service we provide to our internal and external customers.
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Acxiom Corp. is using txt2pdf PRO
Acxiom Corp. is using TXT2PDF PRO to convert mainframe reports to PDF. Some of the reports were being micro-fiched, and are now replaced with CDs. We also take advantage of the LINK option that allows us to refer to sub-reports
within one main report.
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Butler Manufacturing Company is using txt2pdf
Butler Manufacturing Company, Inc. -- the world's leading producer of pre-engineered metal building systems and architectural products for the nonresidential construction market -- uses SANFACE Software TXT2PDF to generate immediate reports to its network of over 1,200 Butler Builders around the world.
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TransCanada Pipelines is using txt2pdf PRO
TransCanada Pipelines is using txt2pdf to solve the printing limitations of related web browsers. Text reports are dynamically converted to PDF format and made available to our customers through our web based operational reporting tool. Customers are then able to view and print the reports with the proper page breaks. Txt2pdf provided us with a simple, low cost, user friendly solution to get around the browser's html printing limitations.

Stevens Graphics is using txt2pdf PRO
We discovered txt2pdf from Sanface software, and from the moment that the trial version was installed, we were hooked and sold. Using this tool, we are now converting many of the text reports that are distributed to PDF, and publishing then on our Intranet where they can be accessed by users using the free Adobe Reader. The user can then reap the benefits of PDF, being able to scale the screen image on the screen, search for text, and print a scaled version to their attached PC printer.
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UNICON Inc. selected txt2pdf PRO
UNICON Inc., a leading provider of customized e-learning solutions, selected txt2pdf PRO after an extensive review of competing products. "We needed to be able to generate and send printable certificates to our customers. SANFACE was able to create modifications to the software and customized templates for our use. The solution allows UNICON to automatically generate PDF files and send them via email. The txt2pdf PRO product enables us to deliver formatted PDF certificates that can easily print on a variety of platforms.
SANFACE was easy to work with and provided excellent support throughout the project."

DLT Transportation Services selected txt2pdf PRO
DLT Transportation Services of Kansas City, MO, a premier freight pre-audit and payment service, selected txt2pdf to convert text reports generated for our clients into PDF files. This solution provides the transition necessary to support imaging for internal usage, allow access of reports by our clients through our web site and distribute reports via CD-ROM. Our clients demand timely professional management reports assisting accounting and transportation to control and reduce shipping expenses. Txt2pdf provides us the solution to make this possible.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel used txt2pdf PRO
"We are now using txt2pdf in a major project to develop a web based report reading application".
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Integrated Health Services used txt2pdf
Integrated Health Services used txt2pdf to convert 15,000 ascii financial reports to a readable pdf format in under 15 minutes running on an HPUX M series server running system 11.00. The reports are create from our data warehouse which is populated from all area of our business. These reports will be available to our facillity business managers to assist in projects and budget decisions. All information is made available via the intranet. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is among our standard software packarges rolled out on ever corporate system so this solution enables us to make the reports available on every desktop in our corporation.

FREQUENTIS uses txt2pdf
FREQUENTIS Nachrichtentechnik GesmbH uses TXT2PDF to convert parts lists which are generated out of SAP R/3 from ASCII to PDF. TXT2PDF is controlled by SAP R/3 to convert the ASCII-Files from a definite directory path to our electronic hardware documentation archive.

SANFACE Software personalized its txt2pdf product to SAWTEK
Sawtek has used "txt2pdf" with its Mfg/Pro ERP software system to send any report via email as a PDF attachment. There were minor modifications to the Mfg/Pro system to enable the email capability, however once that was in place there were no other modification required to utilize "txt2pdf". Since Mfg/Pro allows you to define a printer as a "pipe" it was very easy to setup a "printer" that converted the report to PDF, uuencoded it, then mailed it to the user all in one statement. Sawtek chose to use the PDF format rather than an ASCII attachment because it is much easier for the user to view and print the report since the formatting and pagination are retained. This allows any recipient with Acrobat Reader to view and/or print the report. Sawtek will use this feature for both internal employees and to send reports to customers and suppliers. Sawtek plans to switch nearly all of its scheduled automated reports(which had to be sorted and distributed by hand) from paper output to email. This will provide significant cost savings when it becomes fully implemented.
In the Netherlands an academic hospital uses txt2pdf to send printer output via e-mail as PDF-messages in real time. Data sent include results of blood samples, drug orders from the various departments and accounting information. Prior to txt2pdf this information was printed at the central computer department. The project manager states:
"One could say that Txt2pdf results in a fast supply of information with limited resources. For the hospital the fact that in response to information received, actions are taken swiftly is of importancy. With Txt2pdf and the intranet, decision time is reduced by almost a day for certain information. A favourable side effect is a cut back in direct and indirect printing costs. What makes the program really great? Its portability to other OS's and the portability of the format - PDF - it produces. Moreover we did not have to change a single line of code of the data delivering systems."

Kolberg Informatics used txt2pdf
Kolberg Informatics used txt2pdf for a client to convert about 70.000 ascii documents into pdf format (batch job running under Windows NT on an Intel 200 MHz machine, elapsed time 72 hours). The conversion is part of a Y2K solution. Analysis reports (ascii) generated by non-Y2K systems in Pharmaceutical Development shall be available in a web/intranet application from the year 2000 on. The ascii docouments were parsed for index/search information that is stored in an Oracle database together with references/hyperlinks to corresponding pdf files, located on a web/intranet server. All processes/software/tools were validated because they are part of a GMP (good manufacturing practices) environment that might be inspected by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, USA). Acrobat's pdf files are the perfect solution for viewing/printing formatted documents in a web application. Txt2pdf was exactly the tool we were looking for to do the job. The support by Sanface during the evaluation of txt2pdf was great.
"I think what I am doing is quite unique.
It would be of interest to those with ibm mainframes running os/390 unix.
I am converting an ibm mainframe reports with machine or asa carriage control to pdf format with txt2pdf. The reports are actually in ebcdic datasets. I wrote a small java program to convert the carriage control to ascii form feeds and newlines prior to using txt2pdf within a small shell script. The shell script runs under a TSO REXX exec in a batch proc step sandwiched between OPUT and OGET tso commands to get the reports in and out of the OS/390 unix file system. What was so surprisingly pleasing to me was that txt2pdf produced ebcdic pdf files under OS/390 unix. I then convert them to ascii pdf datasets in OS/390 MVS with the OGET command. They are then served up with the OS/390 webserver as MVSDS datasets with standard OS/390 security." (Vincent Gazzillo)

SANFACE Software personalized its txt2pdf product to BIBSYS
"All Norwegian University Libraries, the National Library and a number of research libraries use telnet to connect to our database. Print is sent via unix-printing, LPR/LPD. Some libraries want the print sent via email as an attachment in PDF-format. We have automated the mail/attachment-procedure. , and use txt2pdf from Sanface to convert the printfiles to PDF-format."

ATI used txt2pdf
ATI is using txt2pdf to convert ascii report files from our Accounting/Manufacturing software package into pdf files that can be accessed via our intranet. The reports are formatted for an HP LaserJet and we have a script that removes the control characters out of each report file, then processes it through txt2pdf. The resulting files are placed into directories on our intranet. The pdf's can be accessed individually, by looking through the directories or by performing a search using HTdig.
I have set up HTdig to use a pdf parser program to index the pdf files. So far, this process is working great for the initial 9000 reports that were converted. I plan to do some further work and implement a way for the users to select to "archive" a report at the time that they run it. Currently, I am moving files manually as our Accounting/Manufacturing system is a DOS based system, using btrieve in Netware, and does not have emailing capabilities. Our intranet is running on Redhat Linux. This project has opened up a great opportunity for us to expand this into everyday use. We have a lot of month-end and year-end reports that are printed thatcould just as effectively be stored "on-line".

QDC Business Engineering uses txt2pdf PRO
QDC Business Engineering is using txt2pdf in Intra- and Extranet client projects. In particular txt2pdf provides invaluable support for formatting reports from legacy systems to the level that can be served through WWW-portal solutions. Proper page breaks and the wide variety of formatting possibilities are key features in rejuvenating age-old reporting systems.